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#211 10/2 Meeting; Florida SB264 Town Hall; Angwang NYPD Hearing; Wing Luke Hate Incident

In This Issue #211

  • 2023/10/02 APA Justice Monthly Meeting

  • FAAJA Hosts Town Hall Meeting on Senate Bill 264 and Its Impact

  • Administrative Hearing of NYPD Officer Angwang 昂旺

  • Wing Luke Museum in Seattle Damaged in Hate Incident

  • News and Activities for the Communities

2023/10/02 APA Justice Monthly Meeting

The next APA Justice monthly meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, October 2, 2023, starting at 1:55 pm ET.In addition to updates by Nisha Ramachandran, Executive Director, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC); Joanna Derman, Director, Advancing Justice | AAJC; Gisela Perez Kusakawa, Executive Director, Asian American Scholar Forum (AASF), and Clay Zhu 朱可亮, Partner, DeHeng Law Offices 德恒律师事务所, confirmed and invited speakers include:

  • Tammy Duckworth (invited), US Senator of Illinois, on issues of import to the Asian American communities, people of Illinois, and the nation

  • Nancy Chen (confirmed), Founding President, Chinese American Women in Action (CAWA) on the history of CAWA and its interests and concerns in Illinois and national issues

  • Andy Wong (confirmed), Managing Director of Advocacy, Chinese for Affirmative Action, on the coalition letter on Section 702 reforms, responses, and related CAA activities such as the recently launched "Stop The Blame" campaign

The virtual monthly meeting is by invitation only. If you wish to join, either one time or for future meetings, please contact one of the co-organizers of APA Justice - Steven Pei 白先慎Vincent Wang 王文奎, and Jeremy Wu 胡善庆 - or send a message to contact@apajustice.orgNOTE:  A shutdown of the federal government happens when Congress fails to pass some type of funding legislation that is signed into law by the president. Current funding expires on September 30, 2023.  While some government entities will be exempt, other functions will be severely curtailed.

FAAJA Hosts Town Hall Meeting on Senate Bill 264 and Its Impact


Florida Asian American Justice Alliance (FAAJA) will host an unprecedented virtual town hall meeting with Florida state legislators on the current status of the discriminatory Senate Bill 264 (SB264) and its actual impact on the Chinese community.  The meeting will focus on Section 7 of SB264 which talks about both the Chinese government and Chinese people living in Florida who want to buy a home. The town hall meeting will be held on September 26, 2023, starting at 5:00 pm ET.  For more information to attend the town hall meeting, visit the APA Justice Community Calendar at 

Administrative Hearing of NYPD Officer Angwang 昂旺

According to 侨报网, community activists are urged to attend the administrative hearing of New York Police Department (NYPD) Officer Angwang 昂旺, which will be held at the NYPD headquarters, 4th floor, Departmental Trial Room A, 1 Police Plaza, New York NY on September 26, 10 am ET.  社区人士呼吁民众26日早上10点前往曼哈顿警察总局参加旁听警局行政庭审,支持华裔藏族警官昂旺。Read the case of Officer Angwang:  Read the 侨报网 report: (in Chinese)

Wing Luke Museum in Seattle Damaged in Hate Incident  

According to the Seattle TimesCraig Milne, 76, was charged on September 18, 2023, with a hate crime after he used a sledgehammer to smash about 10 windows of the Wing Luke Museum in Seattle, as dozens of patrons inside were touring an exhibit. Milne, who is white, also was charged with first-degree malicious mischief for causing more than $100,000 worth of property damage.  After smashing the windows, Milne remained outside the building, and was heard saying he had come to the Chinatown International District to cause damage and that “the Chinese ruined my life,” according to witnesses.  Almost an hour later, when Seattle Police Department officers arrived and arrested Milne, he “continued making racially biased statements and expressed no remorse,” the charging documents stated, with Milne telling officers, “The Chinese have tortured and tormented me for 14 years. I don’t regret anything I did here.”This is not the first time Milne has been accused of a hate crime. In October 2013, Milne was arrested for allegedly attacking and repeatedly punching an Asian man in the locker room at the Spartan Recreation Center in Shoreline.According to the museum website, the museum is named after Wing Chong Luke 陆荣昌, who was the first person of color elected to the Seattle City Council and the first Asian American elected to public office in the Pacific Northwest.  Luke served as an assistant attorney general of Washington for the state civil rights division from 1957 to 1962. He was a member of the Seattle City Council from 1962 until his death in 1965 in a plane crash. Read the Seattle Times report:

News and Activities for the Communities

1. Community Calendar 

The APA Justice Community Calendar is located on the front page of the APA Justice website at

Upcoming Events:

  • 2023/09/25-27 AAUC National Unity Summit 

  • 2023/09/26 NYPD Trial of Officer Baimadajie Angwang 昂旺 

  • 2023/09/26 FAAJA Town Hall Meeting on SB264 and Its Impact

  • 2023/09/27 1990 Institute: Teaching Asian American Narratives through Literature

  • 2023/09/27 U.S.-China Climate Cooperation Organizing Webinar

  • Visit for event details.

2.  Meeting of Consortium of Global Hakka Studies 

According to Wikipedia, the Hakka (客家) is a Chinese subgroup.  Unlike other Chinese subgroups, the Hakkas are not named after a geographical region, e.g. a province, county or city, in China. The word Hakka or "guest families" is Cantonese in origin and refers to the Northern Chinese migrants fleeing social unrest, upheaval and invasions in northern parts of China since the fourth century AD.  Worldwide population of Hakka is estimated to be in the tens of millions.  Read the Wikipedia description of Hakka people worldwide: to Hakka News, The Consortium of Global Hakka Studies (GHAS) functions as an academic platform of dialogue and communication for international Hakka and ethnic studies.  On September 22-23, 2023, GHAS hosted the World Hakka Research Conference with the theme of "Hakka's Local and Global Diversity" in Taoyuan City. Taiwan.  The conference featured reports on the Hakka people in Central and South American and the Caribbean Sea.  Paula Madison 罗笑娜, retired NBCUniversal executive whose family moved from Jamaica to the U.S., told her story about finding her maternal grandfather in China and the documentary "Finding Samuel Lowe: From Harlem to China" )《尋找羅定朝:從哈林區到中國》.  Read the Hakka News report: (in Chinese)

September 26, 2023

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