May 27, 2020
As history would repeat itself again, two Republican senators and a Republican congressman introduced legislation on May 27, 2020 that would bar Chinese nationals from receiving student or research visas to the United States for graduate or postgraduate studies in science, technology, engineering or mathematics fields.
While sugarcoated under the name of SECURE CAMPUS Act, it is the new Chinese Exclusion Act. The 1882 version started by targeting Chinese skilled and unskilled laborers for 10 years, preceded by anti-Chinese hate violence and "Magic Washer," then extended to all Asians permanently. It was not repealed until 1943. Only after many generations did the U.S. Senate and House express its regret its enactment of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 in 2011 and 2012 respectively.
The new Chinese Exclusion Act targets students and scientists, preceded by racial profiling of Chinese American scientists and xenophobic labeling of "China virus" and "Wuhan virus" to provoke racism and hate. Quoting Republican Iowa Congressman John Kasson (1822-1910), this new version of the Chinese Exclusion Act is also "one of the most vulgar forms of barbarism."
OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates has prepared an open letter calling on the senators and congressman to withdraw and abandon the bill. Like-minded organizational are asked to sign on to the letter here. Deadline to join the open letter is June 2, 2020.
Republicans have introduced legislation on that would bar Chinese nationals from receiving student or research visas to the United States.