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March 21, 2019

Three major scientific organizations took leadership in voicing its concerns about racial profiling by publishing an open letter titled "Racial Profiling Harms Science" in Science on March 21, 2019.  

The Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA, 美洲华人生物科学学会), The Chinese American Hematologist and Oncologist Network (CAHON, 美国华裔血液及肿瘤专家学会), and The Chinese Biological Investigators Society (CBIS, 华人生物学者教授学会) represent the largest and a rapidly growing professional group for scientists, mostly of Chinese descent, in many biomedical disciplines.

​The letter expresses concerns about the recent political rhetoric and policies that single out students and scholars of Chinese descent working in the United States as threats to U.S. national interests.  It also received a response led by NIH Director Dr. Francis S. Collins, which pledged that "NIH is committed to avoiding overreaction, stigmatization, harassment, and profiling. We will use our influence and bully pulpit as necessary to speak out against such prejudicial actions, for which there is no place in the biomedical research community."

Three major scientific organizations voiced concerns about racial profiling by publishing an open letter titled "Racial Profiling Harms Science."

Major Scientific Organizations Voice Concerns About Racial Profiling

Major Scientific Organizations Voice Concerns About Racial Profiling
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