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China Initiative

Racial Profiling

Targeting of individuals or groups due to their race or ethnicity

History and Purpose of APA Justice

A platform for Asian American justice and fairness

Warrantless Surveillance

U.S. government engages in mass, warrantless surveillance of American citizens

Alien Land Bills

Communities fighting back against discriminatory land laws

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See something cool, with a lot of cool people talking about interesting and important topics.

China Initiative

China Initiative

Racial Profiling

Racial Profiling

Targeting of individuals or groups due to their race or ethnicity

History and Purpose of APA Justice

History and Purpose of APA Justice

A platform for Asian American justice and fairness

Warrantless Surveillance

Warrantless Surveillance

U.S. government engages in mass, warrantless surveillance of American citizens

Alien Land Bills

Alien Land Bills

Communities fighting back against discriminatory land laws

Testing banner function

Testing banner function

See something cool, with a lot of cool people talking about interesting and important topics.

China Initiative

China Initiative

China Initiative

China Initiative

Court Hearing and A New Movement Emerges
We published a Special Edition of our newsletter to cover the July 18 court hearing on Florida's new discriminatory housing law.
Lawsuit Against Florida Senate Bill 264
A group of Chinese citizens who live, work, study, and raise families in Florida filed a lawsuit to combat Florida’s discriminatory property law, SB 264.
Texas House Bill 1075 and Senate Bill 552
Texas state representatives are attempting to stop foreign governments from purchasing Texas agricultural land.
Rep. Judy Chu's New Year Greetings and 2022 Review
During the first APA Justice monthly meeting of 2023, Rep. Judy Chu, Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, reviewed the accomplishments of 2022, highlighted by the end of the "China Initiative" and Sherry Chen's historic settlement.

Community Calendar

Racial Profiling

Warrantless Surveillance


The China Initiative

Alien Land Bills

Learn more about the pressing AAPI issues of today.

Yellow Whistle Campaign

Our partnership with the Yellow Whistle Project to promote self-protection and solidarity against discrimination and violence.


Our work with policy makers to push for AAPI rights and to ensure justice for AAPI academics and scientists.

Know your rights

Protect yourself by knowing your rights.

National Media Network

A national media alert network giving greater resources and a more assertive voice to the Asian American community.



See important issues and legislation we're monitoring

The Chinese Exclusion Act

Learn what it means to be Chinese American


See important issues and legislation we're monitoring

Report a Hate Incident

Learn what it means to be Chinese American


Learn about the history, responses, and current state of the APA community.

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